Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Marketing In Tough Times: Improve Website Conversions

By Michael Fleischner

Marketing online takes a good deal of experience. This is especially true as marketing budgets become smaller and are asked to do more. Internet marketing requires skillful management of multiple audiences, campaigns, and more. By using the proper data analysis, and implementing some best practices, you can get more from your online marketing.

For businesses that have a mature online marketing program, improving website performance is a constant struggle. In the last few months, you may have seen fewer visitors to your website or fewer conversions. To improve your top line, you need to better leverage your visitors and turn them into customers.

In the last few months, I have experimented with a number of methods to better leverage the traffic I receive to my website on a regular basis. Having to do more with a smaller marketing budget, implementing new methods for improving conversions is essential. The techniques I use are simple to implement and can begin working immediately.

Provide an informational giveaway. When visitors enter your website, provide some valuable information in exchange for a name and email. This capture of information is essential for marketing your products to web site visitors. Once they offer their information communicate with them on a regular basis.

Use an automated communication stream. Auto responders are great for moving your prospects through the purchase process. After visitors sign up for free information, you can automate the process of speaking with them on a regular basis and providing information that is timely and relevant.

Create a reason to come back. Another great technique is to change up your free offers on a weekly basis. This is easily done if you offer a course covering a new topic each week. Let users know that by coming back to the site, they can access new information, transcripts from a recent conference call, or access to expert information.

Think about other resources you can produce on a regular basis to pull browsers back to your website. One common method is a newsletter. After individuals sign up for your newsletter, you can have a dialogue with them on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Make sure to save copies of your past newsletters online and require registration to view them.

Improving website conversions is more important than ever. It may take some time for the economy to turn around. As a result, you need to try new methods of converting browsers to purchasers. The best way to do so is by offering free content in the form of an informational download or online newsletter. Try different things and measure the results. Once you have found something that works, stick with it.

As you experiment and find new ways to convert your visitors, communicate with them regularly and continue to create value. Over time, these individuals will convert into full paying customers.

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