Friday, August 7, 2009

Easily Lose 10 Pounds Hassle-Free - Clarified

By Scott Edwards

Trying To Lose Weight Can Be Frightening! You must realise that 'losing weight' isn't just our problem - a whole industry has been built on it. Several billion dollars of diet products are purchased every year.

So How Extensive Is Obesity? It's quite likely that you're hoping to drop at least a few pounds, even if your problem isn't extreme. It's now believed that in the USA alone, around seventy percent of people are too heavy. Which amounts to some two hundred and ten million folks...

And many other countries will shortly have a similar situation. This can't go on.

In Great Britain, it's estimated that a quarter of the adult population is at least 30-40 pounds overweight. This figure is set to get much higher. It might be around twenty five per cent now, but it could be ninety per cent by the middle of the century.

Are those figures really set in concrete? There isn't anyone who wants it to carry on like this. Easy to follow information is what's needed. We shouldn't have to spend a fortune on diet products.

Obesity can increase the risk of a number of diseases and ailments, such as - Heart Failure and Disease, Cancers, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes (Type Two), Mental Health Issues, Sleep Apnoea, High Cholesterol, Osteo-arthritis and Disease of the Liver.

And so we're not just out to look cuter - we're out to preserve our health. Losing the pounds doesn't have to mean getting stick thin! You just need to aim for the right weight for you. It's about feeling comfortable and finding a weight you can maintain.

We should also teach our kids about good health. We should educate our youngsters from an early age, helping them to form good habits from the start. Keep doing the same thing, and both you and the kids will have to live with the consequences. We can surely adopt better parenting skills than that?

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